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Innovative Aspects

"The Search" is an opera and at the same time a multiplayer videogame in network.
If   "the search"  is an opera, this is theater sung, so it is defined. If it is theater, a story is told and for being an opera, you can tell it by singing.
In classical and contemporary operas the number of characters is already prefixed by his libretto and what is also sung, that is to say his libretto, except in the case of the "Europes" of John Cage in which nothing is really told, are An "anti-opera".
In "The Search" the cntidad of personages that act in her is not preset but that conformed by all the participants that are connected to her in a given moment.
The libretto is also not preset or is partially preset and therefore open. On the website to enter the work, while downloading the application is projected on screen the video that works "obertura" and located in the story that the work narrates. The NPC always respond by singing with opera arias from my composition and these are part of the music and the pre-set texts that are building the story.
But the most innovative aspect of the work is that in virtual social spaces (where the participants with their avatars can interact with each other and in which they emit and receive the sound of all those who are connected there at that moment, they are building in form Collaborative and real-time music and narration (see "SHORT DESCRIPTION" tab), being the 1st in the world to allow and incorporate the content contributed by its participants.

The technology that allows this is computer networks, so "The Search" is a "net - opera". The narrative mechanisms of videojuegos multijugador in network, find the contents contributed in a narrative, in tdo coherent, being that this narrative is open and is being built in real time with these contributions. What do we mean by narrative mechanisms in multiplayer online video games? We talk about its visual and sound elements, in our case the answers of the NPC, the possibilities that the programming code to control the behavior of the avatars allows and prohibits interacting in the 3D virtual space in which it is submerged.

Finally the cyberculture of web 2.0, the social media website (read "Artistic Practices and the Internet in the Age of Social Networks" JM Prada editorial Akal 2012 Madrid) in which we are driven to contribute our contents by the business model Prevailing in it, we talk about platforms such as Facebook where we provide text, images, videos, audios; We talk about Twitter, Youtube, Viemo, Instagram, Sound Cloud, etc. And it is this culture that allows me to conceive the work I present here. Of this cyberculture and the fact that part of its narrative and part of its music is constructed through the contribution of its participants, acquires its character "2.0"

From a different perspective, "THE SEARCH" is an multiplayer videogame opera  in a network of collaborative construction by its participants, that is, by any person who wishes to do so, with the only requirements set out in the "How to participate" tab and For this uses:

          - The technology of computer networks.

          - The narrative mechanisms of videojuegos multijugador in network.

          - The cyberculture of web 2.0, the web of social networks.

I hope you enjoy it.

                                         Lozdan Claudio February 2017.

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